Inquiries for Invention

  • Please use this form to contact us about invention.
  • We will review your inquiry and respond to you promptly.
  • To give an accurate and helpful answer, please specifically describe what your inquiry is about.
  • Please note that it may take some time to answer your inquiry from this form.
  • You cannot publish our response to your inquiry without permission from the Center for Innovation and Business Promotion, Hokkaido University.
  • An automatic confirmation email will be sent to your email address once it has been submitted. If you do not see this email, please contact us by phone or FAX.

Please confirm the aforementioned before using the contacting form.
Items marked with * are essential.

Your Name *
Email address *
Phone *
Inquiry / Message *
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*max 10MB
To delete the attached file, simply follow these easy steps:
proceed to the confirmation page via the submit button, click the back button on the page,
and then click the clear button on the next page.

Attach a file2
*max 10MB
To delete the attached file, simply follow these easy steps:
proceed to the confirmation page via the submit button, click the back button on the page,
and then click the clear button on the next page.

Attach a file3
*max 10MB
To delete the attached file, simply follow these easy steps:
proceed to the confirmation page via the submit button, click the back button on the page,
and then click the clear button on the next page.

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